Our first post


We are Daniel and Lauren and we would like to welcome you to our first blog all about ‘Playing our Part’ and doing what we can, no matter how small, to care for our world.

After recently watching a number of documentaries, learning more about climate change and learning about conservation efforts whilst on our honeymoon, we feel a sense of duty to do what we can to help.

Our blog will be all about things we are learning, new things we are trying to become more energy efficient, our efforts to become more aware of our impact on the environment and the choices we make because of that. We will look at ways any household, or anyone, can make simple changes to play their part.

Why are we doing this?

  • We live in a time where climate change can no longer be ignored and detrimental effects have already been documented all around the world. Global warming is causing unprecedented weather conditions, sea levels are rising, our rainforests are being depleted year-on-year, and major coral bleaching events have resulted in approximately 50% of the world’s coral reefs being lost.  We feel that there are many ways to reduce our carbon footprint, including; recycling, using energy efficient appliances, and buying responsibly sourced products – we can all play our part.
  • We believe in the shift being made towards renewable energy sources. Over the past several years it has been clear to see the number of companies committing to more renewable energy sources. There is, however, a long way to go.
  • Many of the worlds incredible species have become either extinct or classified endangered. Scientists have raised concerns about many species becoming extinct before they can be properly studied. After learning about conservation efforts being made in Africa, we feel there is so much to be done.

Join us on our journey to help preserve and protect our wonderful world. We only have one.

Daniel and Lauren

3 Comments Add yours

  1. Hi there, I came here from the Community Pool:) This definitely seems very interesting! I care a lot about climate change myself and I really want to try to do my part to help save the planet. Everytime I don’t want to ride my bike to work I legit just motivate myself by saying “you’re gonna do it ‘cuz you’re doing it for the environment” 😛 It’s kinda difficult to figure out what I can do as a single person, so maybe if I follow along I can get some tips!


    1. Thanks for visiting and we are glad to hear that you’re interested in getting some tips along the way 😀
      I cycle to work as well and completely understand having to motivate yourself and knowing that you’re doing something to help the environment! So great job for getting out there!
      Thanks for your comment and feel free to visit anytime!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you! I’m really trying. After watching all of these documentaries, (just like you), and reading a bunch of stuff, I’ve just been very keen to try to at least do my part:)
        No problem! My pleasure

        Liked by 1 person

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