Please shop responsibly

This week, we set off eagerly with the task of purchasing responsibly. We wanted to limit the amount of plastic we brought and buy items that used recycled materials and that could be recycled after use. We also wanted to buy items that were environmentally friendly and used sustainable methods. In particular, we wanted to…

Plastic… not so fantastic!

Did you know: Globally we purchase 20,000 plastic bottles every second. This equates to 1 million per minute and in 2016 480 billion plastic bottles were sold. Fewer than half of the bottles collected were collected for recycling, with a mere 7% recycled and turned into  new bottles. Worryingly, the majority of plastic bottles produced…

Chasing Coral

Our interest in becoming more environmentally conscious mostly began after watching the documentary Chasing Coral. We were both very moved and shocked by what we learned about coral bleaching happening in our oceans. We both couldn’t believe this was happening and that we, among so many others, had no idea. Why were the issues raised…

Our first post

Join us on our journey to help preserve and protect our wonderful world. We only have one.